Abcess Still Continues to Drain After Root Canal

Avatar m tn I wanted to know if these symptoms were brain abscess symptoms. I am a bit of a hypacondriact and I always think the worst is happening when it's usually very normal issues. IE if i have slight chest pain, I will think I have heart issues. That sort of thing. I think maybe my anxiety is getting the better of me. Any help would be appreciated.

Avatar n tn This can be reversible where the symptoms abate or irreversible and the tooth requires root canal therapy. From your symptoms I would venture to say this tooth needs RCT.I would see your dentist asap.

Avatar f tn That did not help and was switched to amoxicillin, followed by a root canal. The root canal was a week ago but the lump from the abscess is still on my gum. Is this normal? I was not put on antibiotics after the root canal but I took the last 2 amox. From the prescrip I had been given the week before.

Avatar n tn I started on keflex and scheduled a root canal ASAP. After the root canal and finishing the keflex the abscess was still there. My endontist downplayed it like it's no big deal but he drained the abcess and put me on clymdamycin. Finished all the clymdamycin and the abscess is still there. Endontist says it could take months to heal and sent me on my way. I feel like I need a second opinion. I still have a pea sized abscess on my gums idk what to do.

Avatar n tn Do not allow a general dentist to perform your root canal therapy. General dentists have minimal training in root canal procedures. Endodontists go for an additional 24 months after dentatl school. There is a reason for this. Root Canal therapy done by an endodontist who performs microscopic endodontics is very successful. Unforturnately dentists performing root canal procedures without the training, tools, and experience of endodontists have a much higher failure rate.

1307768 tn?1273363703 You may just be experiencing some post-operative pain from the root canal procedure. Did you have an abscess or anything prior to the root canal? I would call your doctor to let them know but I think over the counter pain medication along with some time should resolve the problem. They might want to put you on antibiotics just in case.

Avatar n tn t be that much severe pain after a root canal. Consultation with a specialist should hopefully find the problem and fix your situation.

Avatar n tn It is best to get an appropriate evaluation and treatment done. If there was a root canal done in the above tooth? In few cases root canals can fail due to branching and convolutions of the tooth roots. See your dentist at the earliest. Treatment will be specific based on the cause. Best luck and regards!

Avatar f tn I went to my dentist and he said that i need root canal. He said that teet become loose because of abscess. So after the treatment (it takes 3 visits and + antibiotic) everything seems ok. But now i checked the teeth and its seems still loose, but less when it was before the treatment. I dont feel any disconfort, but just wanna know if its normal? Thank You!

Avatar f tn I went to the dentist last sunday with an abscess tooth which is going to have to be a root canal started taking amoxicillin mon its now friday and still swollen no sign of abscess subsiding quite painful still planning to go to doctor or dentist tomorrow are there any symptoms i shoud be worried about and maybe go to emergency

Avatar m tn A tooth becoming loose after a root canal is not normal, and indicates a failure to diagnose or treat correctly. Three possible causes: 1) Major infection prior to the root canal around the tooth that ate away all the supporting bone. If this is the case, a root canal should never have been done. 2) Does it feel like you hit that tooth first or harder when you bite down or slide your teeth together right or left?

Avatar n tn I formed a large abscess in my cheeck after a root canal. It's quite painful and I am taking percocet and ibuprofen 800 to minimize the pain. I am also on antibiotics. Is there a way to manually drain the abscess?

Avatar m tn Sorry to make you cringe but it does sound like it may need an endo retreatment soon. A root canal should be symptom free after its done so if there is a flare up of symptoms, it can indicate a failure of the root canal. Its possible it may not be the root canal's fault and it could be a fracture instead but I can't say. If it is a fracture, then depending on how extensive the fracture is, it may need to be removed and replaced.

Avatar n tn If there's an abscess, root canal treatment should resolve the problem. If not, a re-treatment of the root canal is possible or an apicoectomy in which they remove the tip of the infected root along with the infection in that area. Referral to a specialist for the procedure may be necessary.

Avatar f tn An Endodontics can do the root canal without removing the crown, they just drill through the crown, do the root canal and seal entry of the crown. Hope this helps.

Avatar f tn Thanks for the reply - I was thinking no one was reading this. The antibiotics did help - after about 5 days the swelling started going down, and now is gone. The pain has lessened dramatically as well. I can tell the tooth still needs to be worked on, because if I tap it, it does still hurt a bit. But not like before. The temptation to say, "it's getting better, I don't need the root canal" is strong, but from what I read, it really should be done.

Avatar f tn I went to the dentist who detected an abscess above the tooth next to it and, thus performed a root canal procedure on it. I was given two courses of antibiotics. However, the pain in my front tooth never went away and so the dentist performed a root canal procedure on that tooth. There was quite a bit of pain from that procedure, of course, but over the next week my sensitivity disappeared and the pain seemed to be subsiding.

Avatar f tn The next day after i had the crown i felt an throbing pain on the crowned tooth. I went to the doctor and he advised me of doing root canal. 2 days later he cleaned my canal and injected antibiotics in my canals. My question is that 1) In how many days abscess is going to heal? 2) why he didnt prescirbed me any antibiotics? 3) if the infection is healed can i put crown without doing root canal?

Avatar n tn d prefer the root canal filling be removed and the procedure redone by a specialist rather than draining the infection by making an incision. there is no harm in seeing a root canal specialist for an opinion on the quality of the root canal procedure if your symptoms persist or if you are not satisfied.. go to someone your dentist does not refer to. if the antibiotic is effective you should start to see improvement in 24-48 hrs.

Avatar n tn I had a root canal done on tooth # 28 five days ago. I had no pain prior to root canal , but my dentist said I had a large abscess found on xray that needed to be root canaled before I left to go out of the country. Sine the root canal I have had severe pain 10+ and a lot of facial swelling. After calling my endontontist 3 days in a row he had me come in to his office and determined my bite was offf and I was hitting the root canal tooth first.

Avatar n tn So a few years ago tooth #10 had to have a root canal (the one between the front tooth and the canine) and after i had it done, an abscess formed on the gum above the tooth and I had to go back in (don't know if they redid the root canal; do they do that to fix an abscess?) in any case, it hurt a lot for a long time after the root canal, but eventually it calmed down. A few months ago, the tooth started hurting again.

Avatar f tn If there is no pain then I think it may not be the failure. Checkout some more details about root canal at root canal Rockville MD.

Avatar m tn Thankyou for your reply. No i havn't, what's the post root canal treatment? I thought the RCT procedure removed all of the nerve?


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